Mama Life



Hey friends! My name is Hillary and this is my daughter, Elsie. From being pregnant with my daughter to now, both of us have been figuring out how to manage day to day life during this pandemic. 



My intention for this blog website is to share with all of you my experiences and adventures from when I was pregnant to now.



A little about me. I’ve grown up in Colorado for most of my life. I graduated Colorado Mesa University in 2014 with a bachelors in Mass Communication and met my wonderful husband that year on Halloween night. 

I now work at Rocky Mountain PBS here in Grand Junction as Western Colorado’s Engagement  Manager. 

I’m just a mama trying to figure out my husband’s and my new life with our beautiful baby girl.



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Most Recent Blogs

Formula Mom

“My plan was to have a natural birth and to breastfeed Elsie. As you know from my last blog post, a natural birth wasn’t the case. 

While I was pregnant, and even before I knew I was pregnant, people would ask me if I planned on breastfeeding. I always said, “that’s the plan,” and went about my day. I never thought twice about it. “

Cloth Diapers are In!

“While I was pregnant, I remember my mom asking me if I planned on using disposable diapers or cloth diapers. At the time I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going to use. She continued to tell me that when I was a baby, my parents used cloth diapers on me for a week…if that. My mom noted that it was a very messy process that resulted in my parents switching over to disposable diapers. Mom ended up using the cloth diapers that she had as dust rags.” 


Her First Fever

“The last week of my maternity leave I had to take Elsie for her two month checkup. This was my first time taking Elsie to the doctors without my husband. He had to work. I wasn’t nervous. However, I was ready to get it over with.”



Gift Yourself Grace

“Mom, momma, mommy, whatever you may go by….in case you haven’t been told lately, you are doing great! You are killing it, in fact! You deserve that bowl of chocolate ice cream with sprinkles, and why not add that glass of red wine as well. This act of yummy deliciousness that we treat ourselves to, is something that we should do more often than not. Let me tell you why.”